In a very important sense, your digital assets are financial assets, and your content is the digital representation of your brand, your value proposition and your culture. To that end, it’s critical that all content your organization produces and deploys remains true to your brand standards, your internal rules, as well as any regulatory imperatives that often come into play in many industries.
With Emmsphere Plus OnPlan, our content governance & compliance advisers help you to define the procedures and processes necessary to ensure brand conformance and regulatory compliance.
We also help you make sure your organization always stays “on plan” with respect to those procedures, so that all content that currently exists throughout your enterprise, and all new content that gets produced, always adheres to standards, rules and regulatory guidelines.
Formulate Your Asset Compliance Procedures
Most organizations have clearly defined rules regarding brand standards and regulatory imperatives that are required for all types of digital assets. But, they often lack effective protocols and procedures throughout the content development process to ensure those rules and standards are checked off at exactly the right time.
Emmsphere Plus’ OnPlan team helps you translate your compliance guidelines into effective operational procedures that can be embedded within your organization’s operating processes. We also help your creative and operations teams implement checkpoints and gates, so that non-conforming assets don’t get too far down the tracks.
Snapshot Your Asset Compliance Current State
Even when standards and rules are defined, and operating procedures are in place, organizations often lack a clear understanding of the current state of their content. How much is out there, how much of that is being actively used, and how much is fully compliant and brand-conforming? Are usage rights being honored? Or even more simply, are users (both internal and external) using the latest versions of your marketing assets?
Emmsphere Plus’ OnPlan team helps you get your arms around your current content inventory, particularly from a governance and compliance standpoint. We methodically go through your asset inventory and uncover all points-of-use for your assets, to give you a clear, accurate and comprehensive view of your asset compliance landscape.
Manage & Monitor Asset Compliance Over Time
Once compliance procedures are in place across your content operations, the challenge then becomes managing and staying on top of it all. With the sheer volume of digital content being produced these days, this can be a daunting challenge!
Emmsphere Plus’ OnPlan team helps you monitor your ongoing asset production. Our ever-watchful consultants monitor every compliance checkpoint, they flag exceptions, and they provide real-time status reports on all assets that may need remediation, and expired assets that may need replacement.
We know that getting into compliance is difficult. But always staying “OnPlan” is an even bigger challenge. Emmsphere Plus keeps you in conformance always, every day.
Areas of Expertise
Governance Procedure Design
- Consolidation of cross-functional content guidelines
- Streamline & validation of procedures
- Governance procedure definition & validation
- Marketing operational process design & enhancement
- Governance material preparation
Compliance Inventory & Assessment
- Digital asset inventory & reporting consolidation
- Digital asset taxonomy assessment & streamlining
- Digital asset metadata cleansing
- Digital asset audit planning & execution
- Compliance exception identification & reporting
Ongoing Conformance & Monitoring
- Governance change management
- Compliance procedure training and end-user certification
- Compliance checkpoint management & monitoring
- Compliance performance metrics & scorecards (over time)
- Asset management & compliance reporting